
Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Comfort Spaniel,"/Comfortable Spaniel

The lovely Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is "Birdie," Jake's niece. Owned and bred by my friend Sandra Reiley-Lince, Birdie came here this afternoon straight from Vancouver shows, where yesterday she captured the judges heart winning her Bred By Exhibitor class, taking Winners Bitch, and then going on to BOS over specials for a 4 pt Major. This gives her 5 pt and thus 1/3 the way to her CH title at 19 mos of age.

When Sandra brings Birdie over she heads straight for my lap, and I always hate to relinquish her when it is time for Sandra and Birdie to return home to West Linn. Birdie can go straight from show dog one minute to perfect lap dog, "Comfort Spaniel" the next. Here she looks very much a "comfortable" Spaniel.
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