We have had only a few nice days. Once it got into the mid 80's and remained warm/hot all day, so blossoms and trees got busy w/ their Spring fling. Then it turned cold again...you can tell that all is not well with our pink dogwood. We love that tree and measure the beauty of spring every time we look out our window, sit under it or pass by that tree coming and going. Click on the album to check it out!
Meanwhile, we got our taxes finished on time and filed them yesterday. Have entertained ourselves with some late night video time more often than not. Clint loaned us his Ken Burns "The War," which we have been enjoying one episode at a time and have almost finished. He also left "Band of Brothers" for us to watch, but it doesn't offer subtitles so not much fun for me since I lost my hearing. Last night we had "Juno" from Netflix, and it was certainly a change of pace.
John and I get haircuts tomorrow if Harriet's schedule allows. Jake certainly needs to go to the groomer. He's been looking like a homeless kid for a week now!
Labels: pink dogwood tree, Spring 2008
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